Knowing Peace

by Christina Knight
Knowing Peace
Christina Knight
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
***********ORIGINAL HAS BEEN SOLD*************
In whispers of the ancients, sacred hushed and bold,
Lies a sequence etched by Fibonacci of old,
A pattern of numbers, a story to behold,
A tale of unity, forever to unfold.
From the heart of zero, where Father does reside,
To the spiral's edge, a path does it abide,
In every curve, a truth is implied,
A dance of digits, a cosmic stride.
The Son emerges, a value so bright,
Adding to the Father, they take their flight,
In union, they create, in perfect site,
The fabric of existence, in shapes so light.
Ad infinitum, the pattern does repeat,
A symphony of numbers, a silent tweet,
Where each one holds the last so neat,
A tapestry of wisdom, forever to meet.
In every turn, a memory we keep,
Of those who lived and those who weep,
A collective mind, a sacred sleep,
Where every soul is a digit so deep.
The spiral widens, the story is told,
Of lives entwined, forever to behold,
A sacred script, forever to unfold,
Where we are the sum of days of old.
Christina Knight, with brush in hand so free,
Paints these whispers for all to see,
Her abstract art, a tranquil spree,
Where ancient secrets come to be.
With colors bold, she breathes them life,
The geometric whispers cut through strife,
A path to healing, a beacon in the night,
Her canvases, a door to the infinite sea.
Rejuvenate spirits, let them take flight,
In the embrace of art, find peace in light,
Where the Fibonacci whispers might,
Guide us through the veil of plight.
For in the spiral, our hearts are taught,
That we are more than what we've bought,
We are the sum of every thought,
A whole, from every line we've fought.
Let the sequence speak of love and grace,
Of every face, every time and place,
Where we find peace in the cosmic race,
And darkness turns to a tranquil space.
March 1st, 2023
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