Between Here and There

by Christina Knight
Between Here and There
Christina Knight
Painting - Oil On Canvas
A stone sepulcher clings,
etched in harsh lines,
to the cliffside’s jagged grasp,
exhausted sighs of the ocean roar,
beyond its darkened entrance,
waves crash, embrace the rocky face,
and pull back like a breath,
in the air, tension swirls.
Purple clouds break open,
a glimpse of wonder released,
a single beam of white light
pierces the chaos,
illuminating the shadowed stone.
From the balustrade,
the nebula flower blooms—
tiny sparks catching the sun,
tiny stars caught in the world of now.
The door of the sepulcher creaks,
revealing a tunnel to the heavens,
vistas of dreams suspended in space,
where time tumbles soft and slow,
and imagination runs,
a child in an endless field,
inviting us to wander,
to bask in the glow of infinite tales.
Here, on this cliff of wonder,
where earth meets ocean,
life becomes a vacation,
and we’re free to float,
between the beauty,
and the wild chaos of it all—
to find our stories,
full of the light,
full of the unknown.
February 13th, 2023
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