Sunrise Lit

by Christina Knight
Original - Not For Sale
16.000 x 20.000 x 1.000 inches
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Sunrise Lit
Christina Knight
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
There’s just something
about igniting the sunrise,
the soft promise of morning,
when shadows give way,
and night releases its grip.
A spark in the sky,
a choice once more
to light the flame
of all that is fresh and new.
Each dawn a reminder,
that we too can rise again,
just like the sun,
with every hue, every ray,
a chance to begin anew.
It starts as a flicker –
the first step, ever so small,
to fan into life
the glow of a brand-new day.
Moments stretch,
embracing warmth and glow,
as creation hums softly
with the chorus of light.
Colors swim in the horizon,
as hope blushes across the canvas.
Every heartbeat mirrors the fire,
each breath fuels the spark,
and we find in this dance
the magic of rising,
the beauty of crafting
from light, from warmth,
from the flame within.
September 30th, 2023
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